Tuesday, 1 March 2011


In November 2010 the scientific journal Icarus published a paper by astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire was first proposed in 1999 by John Matese. Many others say a Gas Giant in our . The theory of the Gas Giant almost 4x the size of Jupiter in our Solar System that is 4x the size of Jupiter is utter rubbish and logically could not happen. Tyche is a Greek Goddess in Greek mythology and is now a theorized Gas Giant. It is said to go further beyond Pluto (the 2nd most massive Dwarf Planet in our Solar System.)
It was said to be spotted with a Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). The article published argued that evidence would have been spotted on the WISE. It was said to be hidden in an Oort Cloud (I don't know what that is either!)
Anyway, so now, we are still waiting to see, is Tyche is a real Gas-Giant? Or is it just another rubbish theory?

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