Edward Scissorhands (1990) is a uniqe story created by Tim Burton and Caroline Thompson. The story is a bit related to Frankenstein. Edward (Johnny Depp) builds a charcter who is descriminated in such a way that he can make one mistake and look like he is attempting murder. He lives far away in a mansion. But once he arrives at a house owned by an AVON selling housewife (Dianne Wiest) desperate to make some cash Edward spots a picture of a young teenage daughter (Winona Ryder) and falls in love. Now the story starts, an Inventor (Vincent Price) is making cookies with metal machines. For the purpose of the movie, the Inventor picks up a heart-shaped piece of dough and just by chance spots a cutting robot with scissors and knives and holds the piece of dough just in front of were the robots heart should be. Later on, the Inventor teaches Edward how to have emotions. Then just a bit before Christmas as an early Christmas present the Inventor presents some hands. Edward admires the hands but the Inventor dies of a heart-attack and Edward tries to keep the Inventor up but he ends up cutting the hands. Eventually after all the time hiding in the dark the AVON lady comes she ends up suggesting that Edward comes to her home. But the nosey neighbours poke their noses outside their buisness. As the daughter of the AVON housewife comes back she freaks out as she spots Edward in the mirror. Eventually, Edward rages and
scratches the curtain and walls. The relation? Well in the story of Frankenstein,
Frankenstein wishes to be loved however it does not come true so he rages just the same as Edward Scissorhands. A single-housewife Joyce (Kathy Baker)
is desparate to find a man for her life and she wishes to mate. Eventually for her she see's Edward as an easy target as he is thought to have a small precentage of intellengance because he is different, showing an example discrimination. So Joyce unchanges in-front Edward and attempts to have sex but the chair Edward is sitting in falls and Edward runs. Joyce is so upset that she lies and say's she was raped. But that is all the information I am giving as you must know the film for yourself
scratches the curtain and walls. The relation? Well in the story of Frankenstein,
Frankenstein wishes to be loved however it does not come true so he rages just the same as Edward Scissorhands. A single-housewife Joyce (Kathy Baker)
is desparate to find a man for her life and she wishes to mate. Eventually for her she see's Edward as an easy target as he is thought to have a small precentage of intellengance because he is different, showing an example discrimination. So Joyce unchanges in-front Edward and attempts to have sex but the chair Edward is sitting in falls and Edward runs. Joyce is so upset that she lies and say's she was raped. But that is all the information I am giving as you must know the film for yourself
Outstanding, Heart-Moving, A funny, emotional, romantic film full of uniqness.
★★★★★ An absoulute need-to see!
12A (mild language, sex references and mild bloody violence)
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